Runner’s World UK 英国·跑步者世界

《Runner’s World》(跑步者世界)是一本专注于跑步的杂志,自1966年创刊以来,已成为全球跑步爱好者的权威指南。该杂志为不同年龄和能力的跑者提供全面的跑步信息、建议和激励,帮助他们实现健康、健身和表现目标。《Runner’s World》主要面向的对象是体育人口里的跑步爱好者,其风格轻松,明白晓畅,文笔优美,故事感人,介绍的方法适用,并紧扣当前“跑步界”的大事小事和英雄人物,并引导跑步时尚潮流,成为美国乃至全世界跑步爱好者追求时尚的风向标和进行跑步锻炼的教科书。Runner’s World is an inspirational and motivational magazine for runners of all ages and abilities. In every issue of Runner’s World we inform, advise, educate, and motivate runners of all ages and abilities. We help every runner achieve their personal health, fitness and performance goals. Runner’s World shows you the best ways to get the maximum amount of benefits from running in the minimum amount of time.