Food & Wine [USA] 美食与美酒

《Food & Wine》杂志创刊于1978年, 是美国美食餐饮类权威杂志。作为康泰纳仕集团旗下的知名杂志,《Food & Wine》以奢华的风格和精致的内容著称,其特点是提供丰富的食谱和专业的葡萄酒建议,这使其在美食和饮品爱好者中享有极高的声誉。杂志结合了美食和葡萄酒,涵盖了餐饮、旅行、宴会以及葡萄酒搭配等内容,其目标读者包括热爱美食、酒类文化和高品质生活的人群。杂志每年还举办“Best New Chefs”评选活动,介绍世界各地的新锐厨师,推动餐饮行业的发展。这项评选不仅帮助了众多年轻厨师崭露头角,也成为了厨师界的一个重要奖项。A magazine for readers who are passionate about food and wine and looking to be inspired by creative chefs and winemakers. FOOD & WINE is for readers who are passionate about food and drinks and looking to be inspired by creative chefs and winemakers. Now FOOD & WINE offers its delicious recipes, simple wine-buying advice, great entertaining ideas and fun trend-spotting in a spectacular digital format.