Cook’s Illustrated [USA] 烹调图例

《Cook’s Illustrated》是美国一本专注于家庭烹饪的美食杂志,以其科学的方法、深入的内容和无广告的纯粹性而著称。与《BonAppetit》、《Food & Wine》等其他美食杂志相比,《Cook’s Illustrated》在深度上更胜一筹,没有花哨的菜肴,也没有任何广告,对食材和设备的评价非常犀利,提供纯粹的、无偏见的信息。杂志中的每道食谱都经过严格的测试和反复试验,以确保最终的版本是最佳的。其口号是“我们会犯错误,所以您不必犯错”。测试过程包括五个步骤:寻找五个现有食谱、制定目标、测试和品尝、重复测试直到完美,以及最终的、经过验证的食谱。《Cook’s Illustrated》更像一本实用的烹饪指南,帮助读者理解烹饪的科学原理和最佳做法,以确保读者能够在家中轻松复制出美味佳肴。At Cook’s Illustrated, our test cooks are dedicated to testing and retesting recipes 20, 30, sometimes 50 times until we come up with a recipe that will come out right the first time – and every time – you make it. And each issue of Cook’s Illustrated is 100% ADVERTISING FREE, so you get unbiased and objective information on every page. As we like to say at Cook’s Illustrated, “We make the mistakes so you don’t have to”.