The New York Times Magazine 纽约时报杂志

《The New York Times Magazine》(纽约时报杂志)是一本美国的周刊杂志,隶属于《纽约时报》(The New York Times),主要出版长篇文章、特写报道和摄影作品。杂志创刊于1896年,至今已有长达一百多年的历史。它的内容丰富多样,涵盖政治、社会、文化、科技、健康、艺术、时尚等各个领域。同时,《The New York Times Magazine》也以其深入的调查报道、有力的观点以及精美的设计和摄影作品闻名于世。 The New York Times Magazine is a Sunday magazine supplement included with the Sunday edition of The New York Times. It is host to feature articles longer than those typically in the newspaper and has attracted many notable contributors.
