Global Heroes USA 全球英雄

Global Heroes 是一本国际首屈一指的正面新闻杂志。我们的目标是将读者与令人振奋的故事联系起来,而不是令人沮丧的冲突。我们重点介绍普通人、名人和组织的鼓舞人心的努力,他们正在努力为全球问题提供实际解决方案。Global Heroes 提供了关于世界各地社区如何解决紧急问题并采取行动以实现可持续变化的宝贵见解。解决方案案例可以吸引、促进和激发行动。我们关注真实的人和他们为改变我们的世界而做出的不懈努力。让我们向您介绍我们的一些英雄……Global Heroes is an international premier positive news magazine. We aim to connect our readers to uplifting stories rather than disheartening conflict. We highlight the inspirational efforts of everyday people, celebrities and organizations, who are diligently working together towards practical solutions to global problems.Global Heroes provides valuable insight into how communities around the world tackle urgent issues and create actions that lead towards sustainable change. Solution stories engage, boost and invoke action. Our focus is on real people and their tireless efforts to change our world for the better. Allow us to introduce you to a few of our heroes…