Amateur Photographer 业余摄影师

《业余摄影师》是世界上最古老的每周摄影杂志,成立于1884年。它是新闻和评论的权威机构,对最新设备进行详细测试和调查。每周的内容包括来自世界各地许多顶级摄影师的访谈和专栏,以及激发和激发忠实读者的实用技术,对他们而言,拍照不仅仅是个嗜好。对于那些有兴趣购买照相器材或想要改善照相功能的人的必读书籍。Amateur Photographer is the world’s oldest weekly photographic magazine, established in 1884. It is the respected authority for news and reviews, with detailed tests and investigations on the latest equipment. The weekly contents include interviews and columns from many of the world’s leading photographers and practical technique to inspire and enthuse the devoted readership, to whom taking photos is far more than just a hobby. Essential reading for those interested in buying photographic equipment or wanting advice about improving their picture taking.
