The Sun UK 太阳报

英国太阳报(The Sun)是英国知名的大众报纸,创办于1964年,是一份小尺寸版式日报(tabloid)。《太阳报》是一份煽情性报纸,以鲜明的政治立场和娱乐新闻为特色,以报道花边消息而闻名,常以哗众取宠的手法来刺激销量,主要读者以社会中下层为主,因其独特的报道风格而备受争议。太阳报(The Sun)是英国发行量最高的报纸之一。The Sun is a tabloid newspaper published in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. As a broadsheet, it was founded in 1964 as a successor to the Daily Herald; it became a tabloid in 1969 after it was purchased by its current owners
