The Dallas Morning News 达拉斯晨报

《The Dallas Morning News》,达拉斯晨报,一直是美国达拉斯地区最著名的报纸,其特色是以最小的偏见发布直截了当的新闻,并在社论上表现出轻微的右倾偏见。《达拉斯晨报》创刊于 1885 年,隶属于A. H. Belo Corporation 所有,是一份服务于美国德克萨斯州达拉斯-沃斯堡地区的日报。该报获得了 9 次普利策报道和摄影奖、乔治波尔克教育报道和区域报道奖以及海外新闻俱乐部摄影奖。在社论方面,《达拉斯晨报》偏向右派,一般来说,总是支持共和党候选人,并经常发表针对民主党总统候选人的负面评论文章。The Dallas Morning News is a daily newspaper published in Dallas, Texas. It was founded on October 1, 1885. Historically, and to the present day, it is the most prominent newspaper in Dallas.The paper has won nine Pulitzer Prizes for reporting and photography, George Polk Awards for education reporting and regional reporting, and an Overseas Press Club award for photography.
