Air Force Times 空军时报 [USA]

《Air Force Times 空军时报》是Sightline Media Group的一部分,该集团前身为陆军时报出版公司。美国的《陆军时报Army Times》、《海军时报Navy Times》、《空军时报Air Force Times》以及《海军陆战队时报Marine Corps Times》等四份周报,看似没有军方背景,却依靠军队信息和军人订户在商业环境中生存,并逐步发展为美军公共信息传播的首选媒体之一。在“军队时报”,记者们将自己视为“部队的喉舌”。其准确理解当为“大兵利益的辩护者”。一位总编辑ChrisLawson所言,“在这儿我们敢于和海军上将们针锋相对,我们是那些不能质疑的美军士兵的辩护者,我们不屈服于官方意志。”军队时报将针对部队的深度报道和专业的新闻报道技能有机结合,令其它出版物难以复制,也得到了大量军人的认同和赞赏。其中《陆军时报》创刊于1940年、《空军时报》创刊于1947年、《海军时报》创刊于1951年、《海军陆战队时报》创刊于1999年。它们隶属于美国最大的报业集团甘奈特旗下的陆军时报出版公司(Army Times Publishing Company)。《Air Force Times 空军时报》就军事界的重要问题提供高质量、公正的报道,还全年发布每日通讯、视频内容和播客,以及各种特别报道,包括年度军事福利指南和关于教育和就业机会的最佳退伍军人报告。Airmen and their families rely on Air Force Times as a trusted, independent source for news and information on the most important issues affecting their careers and personal lives.Air Force Times is a part of the Sightline Media Group, formerly known as the Army Times Publishing Company, which first published Army Times in 1940. Throughout its history, the company has a strong heritage and tradition of meeting the highest standards of independent journalism and has expanded with publications serving all branches of the U.S. military, the global defense community, the U.S. federal government, and several special interest, defense-oriented industry sectors.Air Force Times provides quality, unbiased reporting on the important issues for the military community
