Writer’s Digest 作家文摘

《Writer’s Digest》是一本备受推崇的作家文摘,为广大写作者提供了宝贵的指导和灵感,具有各种流派的各种写作技巧,是所有水平作家的必备品。自 1920 年以来,《作家文摘》一直是北美领先的在职和有抱负作家的出版物,展示了最新的行业趋势、专业的工艺指导和直接来自出版专业人士、有成就的作家和畅销书作家的灵感。每一期都包含了在每种类型中取得成功的技巧、出版业务的必备内幕信息、发挥创造力和保持动力的技巧和窍门、对当今书架和署名中最成功的作家的采访、顶级文学经纪人和编辑的简介以及他们正在寻找的东西等等。《Writer’s Digest 作家文摘》是一本对于写作者来说不可或缺的写作指南。通过阅读这本杂志,可以帮助我们了解全球范围内的写作趋势和技巧。在提供各种实用写作指南的同时,还邀请知名作家分享他们的成功经验,为我们提供灵感和启示。无论是初出茅庐的新手作家,还是经验丰富的老手,都可以从中受益匪浅。Writer’s Digest has been North America’s leading publication for working and aspiring writers since 1920, showcasing the latest in industry trends, expert craft instruction and inspiration straight from publishing professionals, accomplished writers and bestselling authors. Every issue is packed with techniques for succeeding in every genre, must-have insider information on the business of getting published, tips and tricks for getting creative and staying motivated, interviews with the most successful writers dominating bookshelves and bylines today, profiles of top literary agents and editors and what they’re seeking, and much, much more.
