Poets & Writers 诗人与作家

Poets & Writers,《诗人与作家》杂志,成立于1970年,是美国最大的为创意作家提供服务的非营利文学组织。《诗人与作家杂志》(Poets & Writers Magazine)是同类出版物中的佼佼者,是创意作家获得信息、支持和指导的主要来源,为诗人、小说作家和创意非小说作家提供服务。其使命是促进整个美国文学界的交流,并帮助创造一个让尽可能广泛的公众欣赏文学的环境。读者可以找到关于文学生活的文章、出版和追求写作生涯的实用指南,诗人、小说作家和创意非小说作家的深入简介,以及专业人士之间的对话。此外,该杂志还提供最全面的文学资助和奖项、截止日期和获奖者的印刷品列表,包括杰克逊诗歌奖,莫琳·埃根作家交流奖,Barnes&Noble作家作家奖和艾米奖等,每年数以万计的诗人、小说作家和创意非小说作家受益于 P&W 的计划。Founded in 1970, Poets & Writers is the nation’s largest nonprofit organization serving creative writers.To foster the professional development of poets and writers, to promote communication throughout the literary community, and to help create an environment in which literature can be appreciated by the widest possible public.Poets & Writers sponsors a select number of notable prizes for writers, including the Jackson Poetry Prize, the Maureen Egen Writers Exchange Award, the Barnes & Noble Writers for Writer Award, and the Amy Award.
