W Magazine

《W Magazine》杂志是由康得纳斯出版公司于1972年创刊专业女性时尚类杂志,是世界顶级的时尚杂志之一,备受瞩目的当然是杂志的封面和访谈人物的故事,据统计W杂志拥有近50万读者群,80%为女性。W杂志一直以开创性、新潮的内容享誉全世界,而最有特点的就是他们和大牌摄影师之间的默契合作,用照片讲述的时装故事。W means the World of Style. Fashion–and everything fashionable–through the lens of contemporary culture. W’s combination of photography and journalism artfully answer the questions Who, What, When, Where, and Why for the people who lead the global conversation in fashion, art, beauty, design, cinema, music, politics and travel.
