Tatler Taiwan

《Tatler Taiwan》 尚流·台湾版。
《Tatler》尚流杂志在亚洲有九个版本,包括香港版《HONG KONG TATLER》、台湾版《Tatler Taiwan》、新加坡版《Singapore Tatler》、印尼版《Tatler Indonesia》,马来西亚版《Tatler Malaysia》、菲律宾版《Tatler Philippines》、澳门版《Tatler Macau》,泰国版《Thailand Tatler》,中国大陆版叫《尚流TATLER》。《Tatler Magazine》尚流杂志,创刊于1709年,至今已300多年,是一本英国高端时尚社交的老牌杂志,被誉为“社交媒体的鼻祖”。尚流杂志一直致力于通过国际化的内容报道顶尖人群的生活方式,流通于英国上流社会阶层,现在属于Conde Nast集团。杂志内容锁定上流生活的点点滴滴,是英国生活方方面面的风向标。就如同美国有些杂志只针对百万级以上的富翁发售一样,《Tatler》至今仍然深受英国上流社会社交圈重视。其推出的年度学校指南,已成为公正评定英国私校的权威。尤其每年更新的“百大派对名人榜”,更是许多人跻身上流社会的左证。Tatler is mischievous, glamorous, intelligent and fun, providing an insider’s view of what is really happening in British society with a compelling mix of fashion, the arts, politics, people, parties and glamour.Tatler UK Magazine tells tales on all of high society. If you want the scoop on the rich, famous, and eminently eligible, Tatler has loads for you to get your teeth into. It’s Britain’s suavest society mag, and tells its tales with glamour, intelligence, and a healthy sense of fun. It includes high end trends, so you’ll always be at the forefront of fashion, and brings you the best parties, people, beauty info, and coverage of the arts.
