National Geographic Kids 美国国家地理·少儿版

《National Geographic Kids》,美国国家地理·少儿版,是全球最顶尖的儿童科普兴趣读物,专为6-14岁少儿量身打造,是美国发行量最大的少儿科普杂志!有超过50万个家庭为孩子订阅了《NG KIDS》!全球发行量超过170万册,每月超过500万的儿童读者同步享受《NG KIDS》的阅读快乐。《国家地理.少儿版》秉承《美国国家地理》探索世界、关爱地球的理念, 以自然、科学作为主要内容,搭配活泼的色调以及有趣的笔触,向小朋友们介绍大自然界里最有趣的事物。杂志涉猎广泛,包括了自然、历史、科学、技术、考古学及现代文学,孩子们在阅读杂志的过程中体会到的是快乐,甚至会忽略是在学习。The mission of National Geographic Kids is “to entertain children while educating and exciting them about their world.” Geared toward children ages 6 to 14, National Geographic Kids is an interactive, multi-topic magazine covering animals, entertainment, science, technology, current events, and cultures from around the world. Regular departments include “Inside Scoop,” “Amazing Animals,” a kids’ achievement feature, and a colorful seven-page “Fun Stuff” section devoted to challenging games, puzzles, comics, and more.
