Country Life 乡村生活

《Country Life》乡村生活杂志,创刊于1897。120多年前得杂志能活到现在还畅销、必有它过人之处。这也得益于英国人骨子里对乡村生活的热爱和敬意。成立之初主要着重于贵族喜爱的赛马、高尔夫运动、也介绍乡村府邸。现在更多元了,增加了乡村农场、园艺、手工、乡村风格的室内设计。2016年BBC还为它出了纪念片,Land of Hope and Glory, British Country Life。适合深度乡村体验和生活。Country Life was founded in 1897 by Edward Hudson, incorporating Racing Illustrated. For the last 125 years it has provided expert coverage of country house architecture, fine art, gardens, gardening, food and drink and dogs, as well as celebrating the people who are integral to its landscape. The magazine is world-famous for advertising the most beautiful country houses for sale in Britain and abroad, and has been guest-edited by HRH Prince Charles not once but twice.
