Kiplinger’s Personal Finance 吉卜林个人理财

《Kiplinger’s Personal Finance》 吉卜林个人理财,或吉普林个人理财,是一本自1947年以来由Kiplinger发行的美国个人理财月刊。声称是第一本美国个人理财杂志,并以“简洁明了的语言提供合理,公正的建议”闻名。 它为管理资金和实现财务安全,储蓄,投资,退休计划,支付大学费用以及诸如汽车和房屋之类的主要购买交易提供辅助。 自2009年1月以来,珍妮特·博德纳(Janet Bodnar)一直是《吉卜林个人金融》杂志的编辑。吉卜林个人理财杂志几十年来一直倡导许多个人理财策略和投资产品,这些策略和产品后来成为流行的“传统智慧”,特别是在投资和保险领域。Kiplinger’s Personal Finance is an American personal finance monthly magazine published by Kiplinger since 1947. It claims to be the first American personal finance magazine and to deliver “sound, unbiased advice in clear, concise language”. It offers adive on managing money and achieving financial security, saving, investing, planning for retirement, paying for college, and major purchases like automobiles and homes. Janet Bodnar has been the editor of Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine since January 2009. Kiplinger’s magazine has championed over the decades a number of personal finance strategies and investment products that later became popular “conventional wisdom,” especially in the areas of investing and insurance.
