杂志名称:Men‘s Health USA 美国男士健康

《Men’s Health 男士健康》杂志,全球有44个国家版本,是全球发行量最大的男性杂志。旨在为所有读者提供权威的健康知识,实用的健身技巧,和良好生活方式指南。《男士健康》(Men's Health USA)是美国著名的男性健康杂志,也是美国最畅销的男性杂志之一,于1987年创刊,总部设在宾夕法尼亚州,主要提供男士健康、营养、健身、生活格调等内容。 Men’s Health, the world’s largest men’s magazine, is an essential read for individuals who want to look, feel and live better. Professionals and experts from diverse fields of psychology, fitness, fashion and health team up with journalists to give you interesting features on the issues that matter most to men of all ages. Men’s Health is loaded with complete instructions for mastering the world’s greatest exercises and trusted, informative tips on how to cook healthier.


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