杂志名称:Art Market 艺术市场

当代艺术博览拍卖领域领军杂志。以色列《Art Market 艺术市场》杂志以其高质量的出版物而闻名,它让读者更深入地关注来自世界各地的拍卖、艺术博览会和展览,以及对当今世界上新兴和最知名艺术家的文章和专访,包括Jeff Koons、Cindy Sherman、Yayoi Kusama、Antony Micallef、Banksy、Andrew Salgado等。 Leading Art Magazine for Contemporary Fine Art. Exhibitions and Art Fairs coverage. Interviews with emerging and most influential artists. Distribution Worldwide in digital and print. Art Market Magazine is known for its quality publication, bringing the readers a deeper focus on auctions, art fairs and exhibitions from all over the world, article and exclusive interviews with emerging and most known artists in the world today, including Jeff Koons, Cindy Sherman, Yay


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