Apple Magazine. Issue 600, 2023-04-28(苹果周刊杂志-英语原版-PDF电子版)
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杂志简介:Apple Magazine 苹果周刊
Apple Magazine是一份每周出版物,其中包含有关Apple任何事情的新闻,iTunes和应用程序评论,采访和原创文章。Covering new product announcements from the biggest players in consumer tech, services, entertainment, apps, acquisitions, rumors, and more, we bring you the highlights of the digital world direct to your iPhone and iPad. Our light and innovative reading experience was meticulously designed, with stunning visuals in every issue to keep you turning the pages and ensure you get your technology news fix, wherever you are anytime.AppleMagazine is your true digital companion - a must-have for technology fans worldwide, offering a comprehensive look at the latest innovations and announcements.Access the entire collection, with 100s of back issues to explore the history of Apple and all big-tech industry, from 2011 to date, and what we can expect from the most anticipated wonderings from its labs.The daily news complements more in-depth editorials which you’ll find as part of our weekly pub
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