杂志名称:Coast 海岸

《Coast》(海岸或滨海杂志)由海岸生活公司(Coastal Living Ltd)创刊于2004年,2005年被英国赫斯特杂志(Hearst Magazines UK)收购,是一本介绍英国海岸的消费类杂志。《海岸》的内容以海边家居、园艺、旅行、美食和健康为主,几乎涵盖了关于海边生活的方方面面。Coast Magazine is a perfect read for anyone who lives or dreams of living by the sea or who have a particular fondness for the many and varying aspects of the British coastline, both natural and man-made. Coast Magazine offers its readers escapism – the chance to dream about living by the sea by showing them the homes of those who already do so. It caters for those with nostalgia for the seaside. It appeals to the British love of the sea and gives readers a renewed appreciation of what it means to be an is


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