杂志名称:Writing Magazine 写作杂志

俗话说“每个人都有一个故事”,Writing Magazine的使命是帮助你把你的故事拿出来。这本月刊由真正的专家带给您,他们知道如何提高您的写作或发表,是所有作家的必备品。无论你是写小说、诗歌、戏剧、儿童读物、非小说还是其他任何东西,每期都有提示、实践练习和现实生活中的建议,这不仅能帮助你把所有的创造力写在纸上,还能让你的名字和形象进入这个行业。通过专业人士的写作大师班、行业新闻、活动列表、比赛,您可以在其中提交您的作品以获得丰厚的奖品和真正的付费写作机会,Writing Magazine 拥有磨练和提高您的才能所需的一切。作为最大和最好的作家月刊,《写作杂志》每月提供 112 页的鼓励、专业作家的实用建议以及数百次将您的作品付诸印刷的机会。通过丰富的写作比赛计划供您参加,您还可以从我们每年 6,000 英镑的奖金中赢取现金奖励,并看到您的获奖作品发表在杂志上。The biggest and best monthly magazine for writers, Writing Magazine offers 112 pages of encouragement, practical advice from professional writers, and hundreds of opportunities to get your writing into print, every month. With a packed programmes of writing competitions for you to enter, you could also win cash prizes from our annual £6,000 prize fund, and see your winning entry published in the magazine。The saying goes that “everyone has a story in them” and it’s the mission of Writing Magazine to help you get yours out. Brought to you by real experts who know what


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