杂志名称:DestinAsian 亚洲目的地

DestinAsia成立于2001年,是亚太地区领先的旅游时尚杂志,获得了40多个出版奖项和荣誉。其颁布的“读者选择奖”(Readers’ Choice Awards)影响力巨大,每年举行一次,已连续10余年蝉联亚太地区旅游行业最佳。DestinAsia杂志内容覆盖亚太地区,并于新加坡、香港、印度尼西亚、泰国、菲律宾及世界各地发行。DestinAsian was established in 2001 with a globally connected Asia-based audience in mind. The recipient of more than 40 publishing awards and accolades, it is a leading travel magazine in the Asia-Pacific region and currently has a print run of 25,000 copies per issue. DestinAsian is distributed in Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and the rest of the world.


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