杂志名称:Business Today 今周刊

《BUSINESS TODAY》,中文名《今日商业》或《今周刊》,是印度发行量最大的商业杂志,是对新自由化印度商业地形的最佳报告。随着变革浪潮以前所未有的方式席卷商业、经济和社会,《Business Today 今日商业》确保其读者拥有所有必要的升级,以应对明天的挑战。BUSINESS TODAY, is the largest-circulated business fortnightly in India. It is the best report of the business topography of the newly liberalised India. As the wave of change sweeps business, economy and society like never before, BUSINESS TODAY has ensured that its readers have all the necessary upgrades to challenge tomorrow.


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