杂志名称:MEGA [philippines]

MEGA以菲律宾最好的时尚杂志而自豪,是菲律宾思想女性关于时尚、美容和生活方式的剖面。MEGA 精心策划的量身定制的故事部分,包括可供立即尝试的趋势、全面的风格指南、可供学习的美容技巧和深入的功能,保证提升和展现您最好的一面。Priding itself as the Philippines’ best fashion magazine, MEGA is the thinking woman’s cross-section of the what’s what of style, beauty and lifestyle. With well-curated sections of tailor-made stories from trends to try out now, comprehensive style guides, beauty hacks to learn from and in-depth features, MEGA guarantees to elevate and bring out the very best in you. Allow us to whisk you away in worlds of fantasy through well-produced fashion and beauty editorials that aim to inspire and aspire to as well.


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