杂志名称:Hello! Magazine 你好!

HELLO! magazine UK,你好!杂志,英国名人娱乐周刊杂志,是一本保皇党周刊,自 1988 年起在英国出版,刊登来自名人、皇室、娱乐、电影和音乐界的新闻和图片;时尚趋势和视频;健康与美容;名人简介。《HELLO! magazine 》以其出色的照片功能而闻名,并能够确保独家访问社会精英,HELLO!自推出以来,20多年来一直在捕捉名人生活中的关键时刻。每一期都包含来自世界各地的丰富文章和访谈,并辅以一系列旨在吸引各种类型读者的常规实用功能。Hello magazine features news and pictures from the world of celebrity, royalty, entertainment, film and music; fashion trends and videos; health and beauty; celebrity profiles.Renowned for its superb photo-features, and its ability to secure exclusive access to the social elite, HELLO! has been capturing key moments in celebrities lives ever since it was launched more than 20 years. Each issue is rich mix of articles and intervi


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