geographical 地理 [UK]

《地理》杂志是英国皇家地理学会的官方杂志,自1935年以来一直存在。它的文章涵盖了广泛的主题,从文化、旅行、科学、探索、野生动物和环境。它致力于展示我们周围世界的壮丽景色,并提供一个信息丰富、有趣和发人深省的世界以及我们如何与之互动。地理还致力于教育和激励读者走出去探索世界,为我们的星球提供新的视角和见解。Geographical is the official magazine of The Royal Geographical Society in London, and it has been around since 1935. Its articles cover a wide range of topics, from culture, travel, science, exploration, wildlife, and the environment. It is dedicated to showcasing the stunning views of the world around us, as well as providing an informative, entertaining, and thought-provoking look into the world and how we interact with it. Geographical also strives to educate and inspire its readers to go out and explore the world, offering fresh perspectives and insights on our planet.
