資本雜誌 Capital [HK]

《资本杂志Capital》于1987年12月由郑经翰创刊,隶属于香港南华传媒的,是大中华地区最具影响力的财经杂志之一。《資本雜誌 Capital》主要对象为高收入的专业人士、财经界人士、商人及管理人员为。内容包括金融报导分析、企业经营、商人及官员访问、消闲情报等,近年亦举办了如研讨会等活动。杂志不仅对社会热议的议题作出深入报道,同时为读者介绍上市公司及大型企业的最新发展情况,从微观及宏观经济角度剖析这些企业的成功故事,揭示背后的成功之道,以及每位企业家对工作、家庭及社会肩负的使命。Capital Magazine, the flagship publication of South China Media is the most influential monthly business magazine in the Greater China region. It captures successful stories of listed companies and large corporations, with content such as professional financial analysis, property investment and market news. Its lifestyle section covers a broad range of subjects including travel, health, luxurious consumer products, watches, automobiles and IT products.
