杂志名称:BBC Countryfile BBC乡村档案 [UK]

BBC乡村档案(BBCCountryfile)。《BBC Countryfile》杂志充满了许多绝妙的主意,供您探索英国乡村,在每期杂志中,您都会获得新鲜的想法来参观英国最美丽的风景,观看野生动植物并探索我们的传统和传统以及最好的当地美食。《BBC Countryfile》的专业作家将向您展示最好的步道、自然保护区、集镇和村庄,并推荐最有趣的餐饮和住宿场所,并揭示其他人忽视的乡村故事和传统。The BBC’s Countryfile magazine was launched in 2007 and is now published by Immediate Media Co.BBC Countryfile Magazine is packed full of great ideas for you to explore the British countryside. In every issue, you will get fresh ideas for visiting Britain’s most beautiful landscapes, watching wildlife and discovering our heritage and traditions plus the best of local food.Our expert writers show you the best walks, nature reserves, market towns and villages and recommend the most interesting places to eat and stay as well as revealing the stories and traditions of the countryside that others overlook.


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