杂志名称:Rolling Stone USA 滚石·美国版

《ROLLING STONE》滚石杂志,1967年创刊,美国著名音乐和流行文化权威杂志,参与甚至制造了整个摇滚乐的历史,曾是美国热爱摇滚文化的左派分子代言杂志,代表了杂志媒体在音乐领域的权威声音,是音乐和流行文化趋势的权威来源,引领了音乐界的热门潮流。《ROLLING STONE》滚石杂志,是不止一代人的编年史,涵盖音乐、名人、政治和流行文化。每期《滚石》杂志都会刊登对音乐、电影和书籍的最佳评论,这些评论以风格、机智和幽默的方式写成。随时了解崭露头角的艺术家,以及每期《滚石》杂志的流行偶像的新作品。 Rolling Stone remains one of the most famous brands in the world. Rolling Stone magazine features all the latest news, reviews, interviews with major Rock bands, gossip from the USA, as well as covering serious topics such as global warming and War. Rolling Stone magazine is the chronicle of more than one generation, covering music, celebrities, politics and pop culture. Each issue of your Rolling Stone magazine subscription features the very best reviews of music, film and books written with style, wit and humor. Stay informed with the up-and-coming artists, as well as the new works of pop icons with each issue of Rolling Stone magazine. Rolling Stone sets the pace of what’s hot in the music worl


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