杂志名称:prospect magazine 展望杂志

《prospect magazine》英国展望杂志,创办于1995年,是英国著名的政济时评类月刊,专门讨论政治、经济和时事,对英国当今社会许多问题的揭露,有清晰的分析,能提供令人信服的观点。每一期都汇集了对时事热点的犀利分析,已经成为政府、新闻、政策制定和商业领域的关键人物的必读书目。Prospect has established itself as a must-read title with key figures in government, journalism, policy making and business. Each issue brings together the sharpest minds on the events and ideas that define the modern world.Explore the world of ideas with Prospect magazine, your go-to source for intelligent perspectives on politics, culture, current affairs and world news. Engage with thought-provoking articles, in-depth analysis and expert commentary from leading voices across the globe.


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